Skin Cancer Melanoma

Skin Cancer Melanoma

Skin Cancer Melanoma by Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn Australia and New Zealand have the highest rates of melanoma in the world.  Every year, about 16,000 people are diagnosed with melanoma in Australia.  It is the second most common cancer in men and the third most common...
Exercises and Skin Health

Exercises and Skin Health

Exercises and skin Health Multiple studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of exercise on many chronic conditions, such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Depression, Kidney and Lung Diseases just to name a few. However people with sensitive or acne-prone skin and...
Seven Vitamins for skin health

Seven Vitamins for skin health

Seven vitamins for skin health By Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn Vitamin A: important for vision, skin health and immune function The best source is carrots; 100 g provides 93% Recommended daily allowance (RDA) for an adult. Vitamin C: Vital for tissue repair and a strong...
Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer by Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn Testicular cancer is not a common cancer, but it is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer, after skin cancer, among young men aged 20–39. In Australia, about 850 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer each year,...
Support World Arthritis Day

Support World Arthritis Day

In Australia, one in six people have arthritis. By Dr Raya Grishina-Gunn World Arthritis Day 2021 History World Arthritis Day was established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) in 1996, and since then, is observed every year on 12th October. While people...
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